Monday 18 April 2011

Almost finished work

The gorgeous weather has continued here in Méribel, but fewer pistes are staying open for skiing. Last week I had a brilliant time teaching a small kids group lesson. We caught the bus up to Mottaret and then skied around the Sitelle area. We all had fun, but unfortunately I couldn't take photos of their happy faces due to child privacy restrictions, which of course is fair enough. Shame though, because Ben wore one of the cutest fluffy-eared bear-like helmet cover I've ever seen. People were stopping on the piste to look at the five year old snowplough bravely down the slopes.

I was only working in the mornings which meant I could put on my walking boots and go exploring the local area. With Spring in full throttle, especially with the recent heatwave, there's plenty to see.

Plus it's been great being able to get fitter, what with more and more footpaths being exposed earlier than normal. On Thursday afternoon I decided to try to drop a little further down the valley to start my annual Widlife Photography challenge, which normally ends in failure, deer stalking. How did it go? They are still beating me hands down, and spotting me well before I see them.

I'll report more about that walk on my next post. Harriet has flown out from the UK to be with me during my time off work. Yesterday we went for our first walk together, in the sun again of course, up into the Vanoise Parc National. We saw our first few marmots of the Spring, from a distance. They are as gorgeous as ever, and so playful with each other.

I've my final lesson of this winter on Wednesday, and then it will be holiday time, yippee. Have a great week everybody.


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