Sunday 28 March 2010

That's better

It's amazing how life improves after just a few days. Since my last post we have received some much deserved fresh snowfalls. Perfect timing for the start of the Easter holiday period.

Today I received several texts from friends who were skiing in the fresh stuff up the mountain, one of them went like this; "I think I've died and gone to heaven...". "Enjoy, Freddie!" I replied. We've all been waiting for a while now for an improvement in skiing conditions; this has definitely done the trick.

Over the last couple of days I've taken some time off teaching to recover in time for the final holiday period. Although we missed out on the powder skiing today, Harriet and I still enjoyed the pretty conditions. We went for a Sunday stroll together up at Lac de Tueda within the Vanoise National Park, pictured above. We walked along marvelling at the scenery, chatted for ages, even one of us had a doze on the snow whilst the other took photos with Canon!

Harriet brought her friend along as well, called Fujifilm compact! We all - that's me, Canon, Harriet and Fuji - had a lovely relaxing Sunday afternoon.

After seeing all this fresh snow, I can't wait to be on my skis once more. I'm meeting up with Arthur and family again tomorrow morning, can't wait. It's even due to snow a few more times this week. Isn't life great?



Harriet said...

I wasn't asleep - too cold! - I was just relaxing on the snow and looking at the sky:-)


Mike said...

Stop enjoying yourselves so much!
Some of us have to live and work in the wet old UK.
Seriously Martin, great photos comme d'hab. Looking forward to seeing you both in Summer - Hartington, so I hear :-)