Friday 4 March 2011


Last Sunday Méribel enjoyed another very welcome snow storm, along with low temperatures. For the first time in three weeks (thanks to plenty of pre-bookings and then the hectic school holidays) I had a free day. I couldn't believe my luck that neither Mike nor Lara were working either.

It's often difficult to squeeze in free skiing, especially with colleagues, and in particular with brilliant fresh snow conditions like this.

Some people will shy away from skiing in poor weather, but hey, without this weather how else do we receive perfect powder snow, albeit in white -out visibilty as you can see. Guess who came along as well? Yep, my mate Canon.

Before we jumped on our first lift together of the morning, we agreed to avoid bombing around the mountain at full 'ski instructor pumped up super charged turbo macho' speed that can sometimes happen when free skiing with colleagues from the ski school.

Why was that? It's nice just sometimes to go for a casual ski, especially relaxing in the environment that we all love. And yes, a coffee stop was included as well, how very civilised.

We were all keen to have some photos taken of each other, not because of vanity, but because we are keen to improve our websites.

So what photos are needed for a website? Well I'm no expert on this yet but a mixture of action shots of holiday makers, action shots of ourselves, gorgeous scenic shots, happy smiley people on holiday and portrait shots will always be a winner.

Canon and I couldn't help with all of these categories, but we did our best. I was pretending to be a pro-photographer for the morning, with Mike and Lara busy role-playing as supermodels !?! The result, you can decide.

Even Mike took control of Canon briefly to take a rare photo of yours truly. Not sure what Lara was doing here, she said she was trying to sniff out some farm yard smells. Hhhmmmm.

How are you doing with placing the Dopplegangers, yes there are two? Think out of the box, think Ski Sunday and you might get there. First correct answer in 'Comments' will win an unthinkable and invaluable prize !?!


P.S. I got back from London late last night, the next post will show a strange mixture of friends, will post early next week.


The Lardster said...

Must have been fun for Lara to ski with two father figures! No wonder you didn't want to crash around the mountains at supercharged instructor speed - I know what it is like to be left behind on the slopes by the younger generation.

Harriet said...

Hmm, on the "doppelganger" side - maybe Mike Harrison has an air of Graham Bell about him? (and similar racing skills, of course, Mike!)
Lara looks nothing like Ed Leigh though!

Martin Hemsley said...

Nice try with the doppelgangers, but not even warm. Think top female downhiller, and top chef who's appeared on a challenge on Ski Sunday before !?!

The Lardster said...

Chemmie and Heston plus of course an Irish James Bond!

Martin Hemsley said...

Very good, either Chemmie or Lindsey Vonn. The prize...... Budgie Smugglers.